
9:17 PM Jacqueline Dinh 0 Comments

So my birthday was fullllla surprises! I got to celebrate it three days in a row, hoorah!

12/16, My real birthday! I didn't sleep one wink the night before, studied for my math final all nights! *Cross fingers! Got surprise by Vincent with a Hamster called Wubzy Jr. It's so cute!!! First night it spent the whole night playing on the wheel annoyingly, now all it does is sleep.. Then.. when I got ready to leave for my final in the morning, my car was trashed!! <3Vincent, Jennifer, Vickie, & James! I was tooo much in a rush to stop and take pictures, but I love it in my mind:) Later... ate at revolving sushi for my birthday, 85degrees bakery, & got a in&out giftcard I must treat Dorothy out with!!!

12/17 Ate Olive Garden: unlmtd soup/salad/breaksticks, chicken alfredo, & chocolate dessert! Whatever that dessert was, I wouldn't recommend it, it suckss!! Dorothy & Maivsss surprised me with fruit cake, yummm!!

12/18 Surprise birthday dinner @Macaroni Grill. I had my suspicions... but I was genuinely surprised! Then another fruit cake at my house. I love my friends and boyfriend for pulling everything together, & for getting me everything I could ever ask for<3>

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